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How To Get Involved

Cash Donations
We pride ourselves in not only teaching Self-reliance but also Living Self-reliance in all we do. Our organization is 100% self-sustaining in our operational overhead obligations. All donations received go directly to our guests in the form of bedding, toiletries, counseling and rental assistance when our guests have done all they can to provide for themselves. Help us provide for these needs and our next facility in the design stage.
Volunteer Opportunities
Donation Items
There are many opportunities to help us Fill The Tall Order of Ending Homelessness. Give us a call and we will work with you or your organization to find the perfect fit for your time and interests. If you are interested in donating your time or donation items please call Jordan.
The Golden Quest Book
Buy our book now and 100% of the proceeds go into our teaching and workshop programs. These classes and workshops teach the stepping stones we can all use to improve our lives, starting with building a foundation on honesty and hard work. We take our readers through a historical fiction journey that helps all readers find the peace and security that is theirs for the taking. Come find yours while helping others down the path.
Audio Book Version
(Click below - sign in through Amazon and find title)
Hard Copy Book Version
(Click on image below)

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